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INPR 2009
Written by Kurt Begue

In Nomine Paranormal Research (INPR) completed a phenomenal 2009, ending the year with our very successful Midnight Tour of the Temple on December 11. The year was everything we had hoped it would be. We achieved and made advancements in every area of focus of the teams Mission and Vision.

The year was filled with exciting events and investigations. All told, INPR was able to complete 8 investigations (mostly undisclosed residential locations), 3 mini-investigations a paranormal lecture at IPFW and of course the huge success that was Paranormacon 2009, the first ever Paranormal Convention held in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The investigations were great! We were able to help our clients better understand what was going on in the residence. In some cases, we definitively found evidence of paranormal activity, in others, we provided analysis that lead to logic debunking of thought occurrences and showed that they were attributable to real world causes.

We worked hard to continue to develop our investigation process. The investigations and mini-investigations allowed us to bring out our new equipment and put it to good use. This year, INPR was able to add over $2,000 worth of investigating equipment, which makes us one of the best equipped and prepared paranormal investigation teams around.

Paranormacon 2009 was a huge undertaking that was only surpassed by its success. The convention earned accolades from all the attendees, paranormal teams and our Special Guests. Not only were we able to pull off the highly successful event, but we were able to raise funds for several worth-while causes. INPR donated $2,000 to the Fort Wayne Masonic Temple Trustees, $500 to the Job’s Daughters Bethel #8, $200 to the Fort Wayne Demolay and $200 to the Protection Against Animal Cruelty. $2,900 going to good use in the community.

But our giving did not stop there. In October, INPR held a Charity Lecture in conjunction with the Spiritual Pagan Student Alliance, INPR descended upon the IPFW campus and took over Neff Auditorium for a wonderful night of paranormal discussion and gift giving. The night was dedicated to the memory of Laura VanNeikerk, who was tragically taken from us all. The night was also a huge success due to the fact that we collected nearly 250# of food for the Community Harvest Food Bank. All in all nights like this don’t happen often, and when they do, you understand that you are in the presence of a miracle.

This October night, we also recognized our 2009 Ghost Hunter of the Year recipient, Kim Daugherty. Kim has been instrumental in the advancement of our investigation process and she truly represents what is best about INPR. We congratulate her again!

With such a successful 2009, you would think it would be hard to top that performance, but we have plans to do just that! INPR has added several instrumental people to the team that look to push us even farther into the depths of research. Those new members include: Cindy “Star” Kreiner, Billy Ringer, Art Percy and Tyra Cheek. These four gifted and talented additions to INPR promises that 2010 will surpass all our expectations.


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